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Supporters Resources
We need all boaties and water users to be aware of marine biosecurity.
If you are a marina operator, a boat club, a service provider or simply interested in protecting our coastlines, here are some easy ways you can help right now.
Share on social
We love it when you share any of our posts, stories and videos with your customers, members and friends. Go for it!
Post posters
There is a suite of ads, brochures and posters in five languages to display - be creative, put them on pier gates, noticeboards or even on bathroom doors. Choose the ones you like:
Biofouling info in five languages
Marine pest posters
Email signature
A range of sizes and designs are available. Use on your email signature, newsletter or website to support the cause.
Choose yours by using this link.
Visit video
Watch and share from our marine biosecurity video library. Click here.
Sign up
Our marine biosecurity newsletter 'Beneath the Surface' will keep you updated with marine biosecurity news and views in the Top of the North regions. Subscribe here.
Tell us
If you are doing great work in marine biosecurity, we want to know so that we can share your story. Email info@marinepests.nz