Marine Biosecurity News
Be informed with the latest news and resources about marine pests and boat maintenance from Northland to Hawke’s Bay.
Got a marine biosecurity question? We’re here to help!
‘Thumb splitting’ pest shrimp found in Tauranga Harbour
The Japanese mantis shrimp (Oratosquilla oratoria) has been detected for the first time in the Bay of Plenty region.
How New Zealand’s newest marina is supporting marine biosecurity
“It can be confronting to find out that your boat is not compliant but all boats get fouled so there is no blame - however if there is a pest species onboard it’s important that they know before they head to somewhere like the Mercs or Great Barrier and maybe take the pest with them”
What the Undaria? A look at an intriguing marine pest species
Also known as wakame and Asian kelp, Undaria is a species of kelp native to the cold temperate coasts of the northwest Pacific Ocean, and considered to be one of the most invasive marine algae species in the world.
What’s your Rank? The Level of Fouling system explained
The Level of Fouling scale (LoF) ranks hulls across six categories, based on the amount of fouling you can see on a vessel’s submerged surfaces.
‘Hull grooming’ - a new mindset for owners of moored boats
If your boat lives full time in the water, you might have heard the term ‘hull grooming’ - an approach that’s catching on within the maritime community.
Restrictions in place for parts of Waiheke Island; new location found near Kawau
New biosecurity controls are in place over an area of Waiheke Island waters to prevent the spread of the invasive seaweed exotic caulerpa.
No more exotic caulerpa found at Leigh Harbour
Great news for residents of Leigh and Omaha. Since the discovery of a small clump of exotic caulerpa seaweed in Omaha Bay this winter during Auckland Council’s routine dive surveillance, no more has been found in the harbour.
All eyes on Auckland this January
From SailGP to the Moana Ocean Festival, Auckland is a hot spot for maritime events this summer. 18 Auckland Council marine biosecurity ambassadors will be out and about.
Coming at us!
We are stoked to have world cruisers back and it’s good to know that they have had to meet strict criteria with regards to biofouling even before they arrive at our borders. And once they get here, they need to meet all the same regional requirements of the Kiwi domestic fleet.
How to report marine pest sightings
From Northland all the way down to Hawke’ Bay, our regions include a vast amount of coastline. As fantastic as our surveillance teams are, they can’t get around it all. We need your help!
What happens to marine pest populations when the ocean gets warmer?
Warmer waters mean change for our marine ecosystems. We spoke with senior marine biosecurity adviser Dimitri Collella from Auckland Council about what this could mean for marine pest species in the North Island.
New campaign launches for summer boating season
Exotic caulerpa map now live
An interactive map designed to help anyone interested in exotic caulerpa efforts to see where surveillance has taken place, and where caulerpa has or has not been found, is now live.
Innovation profile: a robotic boat cleaner
A New Zealand start up called Escobar Marine Solutions is offering inspections and cleaning of boat hulls underwater using specially designed drones.
Keen eyes spot possible pest at Kawau
A big thanks to Sharon Harper (pictured), a resident of Kawau Island, for joining us in the war against marine pests.
Tech award for marine pest mapping
We were stoked to hear that the Marine Vessel Portal (MVP) won an international technology award recently.
Asterias amurensis: Is this the marine pest experts fear the most?
Asterias amurensis, or the Northern Pacific seastar is a huge starfish (up to 50cm in diameter) and its favourite food includes mussels, clams, scallops and other shellfish.
Big funding boost for marine biosecurity research
Cawthron Institute’s programme ‘Effective eradication: strategies, tactics, and technologies for successful marine invasion management’ has received nearly $10 million in funding from the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment.
Marine pest find in the Abel Tasman ended well thanks to early detection
It’s been a busy survey season for the team at Tasman District Council with three incursions of Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii).