Know the marine biosecurity rules
A dirty boat doesn’t only cost you in fuel and speed – it can also be a haven for marine pest hitchhikers that can travel on our hulls, anchors and equipment, and cause havoc in the coastal places we love.
Don’t risk getting turned away from your destination. Because each location is different, and so is each boat, there are a few different types of rules you need to understand before your next cruise.
Some regions have penalties for harbouring and transporting marine pests.
Many marinas follow the ‘6 or 1’ rule to protect themselves. These marinas require visiting boats to provide evidence that they have been antifouled in the last six months, or lifted and washed in the last month after leaving an area infested with marine pests.
There are additional restrictions and cleaning requirements related to exotic caulerpa species including places where you cannot anchor or disturb the seafloor.
Tip: Haulout facilities and maintenance contractors can get busy ahead of the summer cruising season. We recommend planning ahead and making bookings early.
Protect the coastlines we love. Know the rules and make sure your hull and gear is checked and cleaned before you move between harbours or regions. Check the rules for regions you are visiting here:
Essential info for boat owners
Tutukaka Marina Manager Dylan explains why keeping marine pests out of the marina is so important to protect the Poor Knights Islands:
Image credits: Gareth Cooke Project Kahurangi, Crispin Middleton Seacology, Northland Regional Council, Wilde Media Limited