Exotic Caulerpa
The Exotic Caulerpa Community Viewer is an interactive map that displays shared surveillance data:
What is exotic caulerpa?
A pest seaweed exotic caulerpa has been found in the Bay of Islands and Hauraki Gulf Marine Park. It can spread rapidly and smother native marine life.
What you can do
Avoiding the places where exotic caulerpa is present and keeping your boat and equipment clean is the best thing that you can do.
Check your equipment
When anchoring and fishing in other areas, check your anchor, anchor chain and any other gear for seaweed before you move on. If you find seaweed, remove it, bag it if you can and dispose of it safely to the rubbish on land.
Know how to identify caulerpa
Exotic caulerpa is a green seaweed with fronds up to 10cm long. Get more information and view photos in our Marine Pest ID Guide.
Check the rules - anchoring and fishing
There are legal controls in place around these waters to help stop the spread, so make sure you check the rules regularly by visiting this website page: biosecurity.govt.nz/caulerpa
If you spot exotic caulerpa
If you spot either of the exotic Caulerpa species, take a photo, record the location and phone the Pest and Disease Hotline at 0800 80 99 66 or complete the online reporting form at report.mpi.govt.nz.
For detailed information about the exotic caulerpa response go to: