Marine Biosecurity News
Be informed with the latest news and resources about marine pests and boat maintenance from Northland to Hawke’s Bay.
Your burning questions answered
More than 200 people registered for our Marine Pest ID webinar and some submitted questions that we didn’t have the opportunity to respond to during the event. Here are our responses.
Focus on Clavelina
Clavelina lepadiformis / Lightbulb ascidian, a type of sea squirt or ascidian, is one of the prettiest of the marine pests and it’s raising eyesbrows of boat owners.
Caution for clams
The invasive Freshwater Gold Clam (Corbicula) can survive in brackish water at up to half the saltiness of seawater. If you’re going to be in a place where fresh and saltwater mixes, like an estuary, and then to a lake or river, please make sure you follow the Check Clean Dry rules for your boat and gear.
Protect Our Paradise
Have you seen the ‘Protect our Paradise’ campaign appear in the last few weeks, from our colleagues at Biosecurity New Zealand? If not, take a look.
Boat show connections
Thanks to the hundreds of boat owners that we chatted with at the Hutchwilco Boat Show in Auckland in May.
Marine Pest ID webinar now on Youtube
Watch our marine pest ID webinar on Youtube
The Exotic Caulerpa Accelerated Program
The Exotic Caulerpa Accelerated Programme is a programme of work using the recent $5 million funding boost to fast-track the development of caulerpa removal methods and learn more about this invasive pest.
Mediterranean fanworm detection in Waikawa Marina
The value of the regular intensive surveillance carried out by Marlborough District Council has proven its worth in March this year with four Mediterranean fanworm discovered and removed from the marina.
Schools get onboard with marine biosecurity message
A couple of weeks ago, the Marine Pests Teachers’ Workshop was held in Whangārei, with educators and professionals from across the region gathering to delve into the world of marine biosecurity.
See you at the Hutchwilco Boat Show
This year, we’ll be speaking at 2pm on each day of the show about how to identify marine pests, and providing some top tips for boat hygiene. Stop by and see us in Stand 412.
Get a jump on summer boat work
Save money and avoid wait lists by getting key aspects of boat maintenance done over winter. Boatyards are offering some great deals for haulouts and work done over winter months.
Who are the friendly faces on Auckland boat ramps?
Six marine biosecurity outreach ambassadors have been busy keeping boat owners informed and updated about marine biosecurity in the Auckland region this summer.
More training for marine farmers supports early detection of pests and diseases
Our country’s aquaculture farmers are leading the way at incorporating marine biosecurity into their day-to-day operations.
Marine Biosecurity Toolbox wins science award
The Marine Biosecurity Toolbox Research Programme has won the 2024 New Zealand Biosecurity Awards Science Prize for its groundbreaking work to transform the detection and elimination of invasive marine pests through molecular surveillance technology and analytical platforms.
New bubble based antifouling solution being trialled at Nelson Marina
Cawthron Institute is trialling an innovative new antifouling technology at Nelson Marina
Thanks Whitianga!
Clean Below? Good to Go and Waikato Regional Council spent a day in Whitianga to talk with boaties about marine pests.
Results in from Biosecurity New Zealand’s 2023 surveys
Key harbours in the Top of the North regions have been surveyed by NIWA, as part of a national surveillance program run by Biosecurity New Zealand.
Mediterranean fanworm found and quickly removed at Pilot Bay
The discovery of 81 Mediterranean fanworm (Sabella spallanzanii) on the sea floor in Pilot Bay was not the early Christmas present that the Bay of Plenty Regional Council dive team were wanting.
Marine biosecurity professional development for teachers
A workshop and a webinar will help teaching professionals better utilise our Marine Biosecurity Education Module.
Pop-up stand in Whitianga targets marine biosecurity, water safety
A pop-up stand will be set up at Whitianga wharf on 2 January 2024 where people can get information and ask questions about the Clean Below? Good to Go programme and the Waikato region’s maritime safety rules.