Protecting the
coastlines we love

Marine pests, biofouling, cleaning equipment, and boat maintenance – this website is a complete guide to marine biosecurity for boat owners and operators in Aotearoa New Zealand. 

It could see you turned away from your marina or favourite destination. So before you set of on your epic summer cruise, check the marine pest rules here.

Boat Maintenance

News and Events

Haulout Directory

Marine Pest ID

Thanks boat owners!

Marine biosecurity is complicated, so we have created this website to help boat owners out. Thanks from all of us for playing your part to help stop the spread of marine pests.

β€œIt is much more difficult and expensive to eradicate a harmful marine pest than it is to stop it arriving in a new location in the first place. That is why we have a comprehensive marine biosecurity system that spans international and domestic vessel movements.”

Marine biosecurity on Instagram


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